Gideon and Gwendolyn are back. And in the second part of the trilogy by the time travelers Gwen, "sapphire blue", they have a lot more dangers to exist as in "ruby". Free period met the lead actor Jannis Niewoehner and Maria Ehrich for an interview, and ordered one of them a look behind the scenes.
What scene in Saphirblau you'll find particularly exciting?
Jannis: Put it this way: The rococo scene is quite an accomplishment. There are many different moods, action, high society - and a small musical contribution from Maria and me.
Maria: When I heard the first time, I knew already, that's a totally fun idea to bring as a rock number in this scene. All dance wildly, all the wigs ... The only thing that was a bit difficult, was drunk to sing. Gwen is in the scene so slightly tipsy, so I had to adjust a bit since singing.
Maria, it is really difficult to ride a Saddle?
Maria: Amazingly, not at all! That made me even very surprised, because the women often complain so much in books and films about the sidesaddle on a horse. At first it is a little getting used to, that's true, but once you get the hang of it is even very comfortable. I can do much better sidesaddle riding than in normal saddle. You can even gallop!
Jannis, how were your riding experience?
Jannis: For Saphirblau had Maria and I can both riding and I fencing. The fencing was less of a problem and was a lot of fun. However, I sat for this movie for the first time on a horse. We got special movie horses, which are used to shoot and actor who has yet made things a lot easier. Finally Gideon is an experienced rider, in which you should not notice that the actor is not quite so experienced. Maria's horse was also a lot faster than mine, which has meant that it wanted to ride ahead constantly. The coordinators and cameramen have hinbekommen but luckily.
Was it nice to get to the set after one and a half years back?
Maria: Really nice. We saw many familiar faces, even if half the team was new. This has made but most interesting.
Jannis: Well, even if we did not have a lot of old sets. It has changed a lot. But basically, yes! Especially odors remain in the memory. Get inside also in the story, is easier when you know what's coming and have fun, develop it.
Is there any odor to which you zurückerinnerst you special?
Jannis: The car smell of our drivers.
Maria, you were allowed the only actress to play well with Rufus Beck. How is this expired?
Maria: Totally crazy! I have indeed met Rufus, but he was as Xemerius for me one of the characters I never really saw - rather, it was for me just a bunch of wires and buttons. His text I got played through a button in the ear. Eventually, Felix Fuchs Steiner, our director, found out that he can give me instructions through this button, the no one else hears what was sometimes very funny
Do you have an example?
Maria: In one scene Xemerius leads us through the house. Up to the ceiling, there were pipes for the water splashes - and I was suddenly surrounded by a water jet.